Summer Maintenance Tips
The early morning hum of a chorus of lawnmowers, sunsets delayed to 8 pm, and entire days spent lounging by the pool can only mean one thing, summer is here! We’re bringing you five Summer Maintenance Tips to prepare your home for the upcoming season.
Schedule a cleaning for your HVAC system:
The first thing we all do when temperatures start to rise is crank up the A/C in an attempt to beat the heat. Before doing so, we recommend scheduling a cleaning of your HVAC system to keep it running efficiently and smoothly against the sweltering sun.
Give your lawnmower a tune-up:
A true marker that summer has started is that signature Saturday morning sound of the lawnmower. Harmonious hums accompanied by the scent of freshly cut grass—we’re dreaming of it now! But before breaking a sweat out in the yard, we recommend establishing a cleaning routine for your lawnmower to avoid future problems and grass clumps. A wire brush and hose should help ward off any buildup, just remember to remove the spark plug and blade beforehand to avoid injury!
Clean your grill:
It’s the season of backyard barbeques and grilling out during those warm summer nights. But before the heat really sets in and you’ve got a hungry crowd demanding charred hot dogs and hamburgers, it’s a good idea to clean out all the gristle and grime. Any grill owner can attest to how dirty their grills get after a full summer of cookouts, so, our advice? Get them all cleaned up and ready to go before temps get too hot!
Power wash the outside of your home:
Want to know the secret to keeping your home looking good all summer long? Power washing! Not only does power washing give your home’s exterior that squeaky clean appearance, but it also helps to deter any harmful contaminants like mold and mildew.
Get those gardening gloves ready because summer is a fantastic time to enhance the exterior of your home with eye-catching florals and thoughtful landscaping. Be sure to trim the bushes, shrubs, and trees that outline the perimeter of your home to prevent any wear and tear on the roof or exterior of your home.
If you’ve got some time to spare this summer, we definitely recommend tackling these Summer Maintenance Tips to increase the longevity of your humble abode and maintain the state of your healthy home!
Looking for more summer landscaping tips? Read our Do’s & Don’t of Summer Landscaping!
Boost your curb appeal with these tips!