Lisa & Robert Opie
Where were you living prior to your current home, and how did you begin your house hunting process?
We were living in a townhouse at Four Seasons in Charlottesville. We first began out house hunting process like most people, on Zillow and Realtor.com.
What drew you to working with Story House Real Estate?
We were referred to Josh at Storyhouse through our bank. We had no idea where to start and Josh was suggested at a helpful resource.
What made you choose Charlottesville?
We actually wanted to stay as close to Charlottesville as possible but out budget pushed us out into the county.
How did you discover the neighborhood (where you eventually ended up buying), and what did you love about it?
We started working with Josh but our plans were delayed due to COVID. We were referred to Kristin when were were ready and she spoke to us about what we were looking for. She mapped out the areas we were interested in and sent new listings as often. We were ended up moving to Lake Monticello which was not in our plans. I went to view the property and kind of knew as soon as I walked through that it would work for us.
What was your experience like working with the Story House Real Estate team?
My experience working with the team was great. This was our first home purchase so we had no idea what we were doing. Kristin walked us through each step and made suggestions to ensure we were competitive in our bid. The rest of our interactions were good. Great communication and clear instructions on what our next steps should be.
What was your journey like buying/selling your home?
The journey was actually exciting and enjoyable. I liked looking and homes every week and imagining where we would be, how we would decorate and make the home our own.
What was the most stressful part of the real estate process?
I think the most stressful part of the real estate process is all of the steps you have to take. I used to think you just got approved for the loan and then found your home but there is so much more in between. We had a small window in which to find a home and get moved. That was beyond stressful. Our closing date was also pushed back so that caused a bit of stress but we go through it.
What was the best part of the real estate process?
Honestly, I can not say enough good things about Kristin. She was always there for us, responded to our calls or emails. She did every thing she could to make the process as smooth as possible. She was also friendly and genuine. I really felt that she wanted the best for us.
If you had to describe your real estate experience to friends and family what would you say?
I would tell them to be prepared for the process but to find a good realtor to work with. It makes all the difference to have someone who can guide you through the stress of buying a home.
If you had any advice to give first time home sellers/buyers what would it be?
I would again say to research, research and research more. Have a vision of what you want but be flexible. What you think you want may not actually be what you get and that is not a bad thing.