Charlottesville 365; Junior League of Charlottesville Kids in the Kitchen
This upcoming Saturday, March 19 from 9:00am – 1:00pm, is the annual Junior League of Charlottesville Kids in the Kitchen event. This is a “healthy kids fair” aiming to teach young children (primarily ages 4-10) and their families about leading a healthy lifestyle, and health wellness in general. This annual event is always held at a local high school, is free, and is open to the public.
This year, Kids in the Kitchen is being held at Albemarle High School, and some of the activities include a smoothie station, growing gardens, featured U.Va. athletes, a mountain bike station, cookbook creation, backpack safety, oral health, and nutrition bingo.
This event is fun for the whole family, and is one where you can easily stay for the whole day or just stop and swing by at your leisure. The PDF flier is attached, but feel free to email me with any questions about the event!
This event is free for both children and adults and no RSVP is necessary- please just come enjoy! If you’ve ever been before, I’d love for you to share your photos and memories here!
The Junior League of Charlottesville is;
“an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.”
If you have any questions about the Junior League or any interest in becoming involved with the group, let me know that too! It is a wonderful group of women that has a great impact on the Charlottesville community.