2110 Ivy Road   |   Charlottesville, VA 22903

The Virginia Foreclosure Market

Courtesy of Virginia Business Magazine, here is a good article on how Virginia’s housing market has fared in 2007, despite trouble nationwide with foreclosures. As stated in the article, “At a time when foreclosures are soaring and some mortgage lenders have gone out of business, plenty of homebuilders would gladly trade places with Genuario. And homeowners in other states can’t

CAAR 2007 Year End Market Report

The full 2007 Charlottesville/Albemarle Association of Realtors Year End Market Report can be found here. Admittedly, 2007 was a markedly different from the handful of years preceding it, where the market was on fire and if you had a home to sell, you had a sale. We are now finding a strong advantage towards buyers that we will expect to see for