2110 Ivy Road   |   Charlottesville, VA 22903

#18 Out of 100 Best Places to Live and Launch (CNN Money)

CNN Money just named Charlottesville #18 out of the 100 Best Places to Live and Launch! Mentioning the business-mindedness of the City, the college atmosphere, the great support and mentoring given to small business and entrepreneurs, and the beautiful history and scenery here, we rank in below only 5 other cities on the East Coast!

A Streetcar For Charlottesville?

Here is great post from Sean Tubbs and Kendall Singleton on the new committee working out the logistics of bringing a streetcar to Charlottesville. A couple of brief quotes describing what is to be discussed on February 17; Careful evaluation of the West Main corridor has revealed that it would likely be able to host a single streetcar track in