2110 Ivy Road   |   Charlottesville, VA 22903

Charlottesville 365; Happy Match Day! Welcome New U.Va. Residents!

Happy Match Day to our incoming UVA residents! Today is Match Day, which falls on the third Thursday of every March, and is when the graduating medical school students all across the nation will find out what residency program they’ve matched with, where they will spend the next several years of their lives, and what City they’ll soon call home!

Charlottesville 365; Charlottesville’s Oscar Night America

As someone who doesn’t really often watch the Oscar’s, one of the great parties of the year last year in Charlottesville was Oscar Night America at the Paramount. Tonight the event takes place again, and tickets are still on sale for $45. To benefit the VA film festival and the Paramount Theatre, Oscar Night is officially sanctioned by the Academy

CAAR Year-End Market Report 2010

CAAR is releasing it’s 4th quarter market report tomorrow, so this is fresh off the presses! Some pieces that I thought were relevant if you’re in the market to buy or sell; Good news for buyers; Price Per Square Foot (Finished)—Pockets of Value for Buyers The current area average of $139 per finished square foot is the lowest number since

Charlottesville 365; Cville Sheblogs

Cville Sheblogs- Virginia’s premier women bloggers. Meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month at Virginia National Bank – Pantops to discuss blogging issues. Join us! 8:30AM – 10:00AM. You are welcome to attend twice before choosing whether or not to join! Visit the Sheblogs page on Facebook to find out the topic for the upcoming meeting. Mission: Our mission is

Charlottesville 365; Charlottesville Restaurant Week January 24-30

Even now that Restaurant Week is a Charlottesville tradition, I still get excited as ever when they are announced! From January 24-30, 2011, Charlottesville has 16 restaurants participating in “Restaurant Week”, which involves $26/person prix-fixe menus, all of three courses- an appetizer, entree, and dessert.  According to the Restaurant Week website, previous Restaurant weeks held in Charlottesville have earned over