Mary Anna Wu Sales Assistant

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About Me
Mary Anna Wu is a licensed Sales Assistant for residential buyer clients at Story House Real Estate in the Charlottesville area and surrounding counties. Long before she ever worked with Story House, Mary Anna was a Story House Client. She purchased her first home in 2018 with the help of Josh White (Associate Broker/REALTOR® ). She had such a positive experience that she jumped at the opportunity to join the Story House Team several years later as Josh’s assistant! Mary Anna strives to give each client the same high level of kindness and care that she experienced during her own home-buying journey.
Mary Anna has spent her entire professional career in people-focused roles, first as a civilian in local law enforcement, and for many years as a Human Resources Manager. She is a certified HR professional through the Society of Human Resource Management, a Spanish speaker, and a graduate of both the University of Virginia and Piedmont Virginia Community College. Mary Anna considers it a privilege to use her local connections to work with Story House’s fun and unique clients in the place where she was born and built a life.
In her freetime:
Mary Anna lives with her husband Randy in Zion Crossroads with their exceptionally friendly and excessively needy Yellow Labrador, “Charles Barkley.” She visits a new country internationally each year and tries as many diverse foods as she can. Wherever she finds herself, she is passionate about serving the people around her. Mary Anna has volunteered with the Boys & Girls Club of Central Virginia, the Albemarle Housing Improvement Program (AHIP), The Point Church’s Mobile Food Pantry, World Help, and Freedom 4/24.